Workforce management in aviation
Die richtigen Leute mit den gültigen Qualifikationen zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort zu haben ist nirgendwo so essentiell wie in der Aviation. Kostendruck, Service-Level, Arbeitskräftemangel, Sicherheitsvorgaben, Personalbedarfsschwankungen und viele verschiedene Player machen das Workforce Management an Flughäfen zu einem der anspruchsvollsten. Neben festen Stellschrauben, ist der Mensch eine weichere Variable, die es bestmöglich einzusetzen gilt. Genau für solche anspruchsvolle Aufgaben haben wir WorkforcePlus mit seiner digitalen Entscheidungsintelligenz entwickelt, enschließlich einer nahtlosen Integration in die GroundStar-Systeme von INFORM.
Die richtigen Leute mit den gültigen Qualifikationen zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort zu haben ist nirgendwo so essentiell wie in der Aviation. Kostendruck, Service-Level, Arbeitskräftemangel, Sicherheitsvorgaben, Personalbedarfsschwankungen und viele verschiedene Player machen das Workforce Management an Flughäfen zu einem der anspruchsvollsten. Neben festen Stellschrauben, ist der Mensch eine weichere Variable, die es bestmöglich einzusetzen gilt. Genau für solche anspruchsvolle Aufgaben haben wir WorkforcePlus mit seiner digitalen Entscheidungsintelligenz entwickelt, enschließlich einer nahtlosen Integration in die GroundStar-Systeme von INFORM.

Efficient groundhandling processes: key to a perfect turnaround
To manage the turnaround as quickly as possible, it is essential that all ground handling processes seamlessly interact, minimizing downtime, with everyone knowing what they need to do and being qualified to do so.
To manage the turnaround as quickly as possible, it is essential that all ground handling processes seamlessly interact, minimizing downtime, with everyone knowing what they need to do and being qualified to do so.
Safely well-planned
A good plan provides security. In an industry where planning and safety are of utmost importance, we have built an intelligent software that incorporates all planning parameters, allowing you to explore different planning scenarios—a software that is more than just a planning tool. A software that ensures safety.
A good plan provides security. In an industry where planning and safety are of utmost importance, we have built an intelligent software that incorporates all planning parameters, allowing you to explore different planning scenarios—a software that is more than just a planning tool. A software that ensures safety.

A partner with foresight
Since 1969, INFORM has been streamlining business processes through AI-based software. Today, over 1,000 employees worldwide work for more than 1,000 customers to create learning software systems that simplify the daily work of our customers with their decision intelligence.
Since 1969, INFORM has been streamlining business processes through AI-based software. Today, over 1,000 employees worldwide work for more than 1,000 customers to create learning software systems that simplify the daily work of our customers with their decision intelligence.
One software for all processes
WorkforcePlus is part of the GroundStar Suite by INFORM and has been developed for the most demanding workforce management needs. The GroundStar Suite offers a comprehensive software solution for optimizing airport and airline groundhandling processes. With decades of experience in the aviation industry and hundreds of installations worldwide, GroundStar provides decision intelligence in all process steps from passenger services to ramp operations.
WorkforcePlus is part of the GroundStar Suite by INFORM and has been developed for the most demanding workforce management needs. The GroundStar Suite offers a comprehensive software solution for optimizing airport and airline groundhandling processes. With decades of experience in the aviation industry and hundreds of installations worldwide, GroundStar provides decision intelligence in all process steps from passenger services to ramp operations.

Customer testimonials
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For inquiries or more information, contact me:
Alina Schreier
Mit Expertise und Unterstützung für Sie da:
Alina Schreier